An interactive map about institutional investors and their engagement in the stock market
At first glance, the map looks like a giant QR code, yet its significance runs far deeper: each dot on the map represents an investment or hedgefund company.
Together they represent 75% to 80% of the U.S. stock market, rendering the map a powerful visualization of a vast swath of the market.
Click on a dot to view its top 100 holdings. The size of each dot corresponds to the company's assets under management (AUM).
Dot Brightness
The dot's brightness indicates the diversity of the investment company's portfolio, with brighter dots representing a wider range of holdings.
Hedgefund companies holding similar stocks or mutual funds are positioned closer together on the map. The absolute position of dots does not play a role only their relative postion to each other is important.
Conversely, companies with little to no overlap in their holdings are placed farther apart. The absolute location of each company is irrelevant; only their relative positions to one another matter.
Clusters & Empty Cells
Some cells of the map are empty. This helps to form distinct clusters of hedgefund companies that share equal traits. More details about the clustering process can be found here.
Map Updates
Map updates occur on a weekly basis, with most prominent changes typically occuring after 13F filing deadlines. Make sure to check back periodically.