Ticker | BPOP |
CUSIP | 733174700 |
Sector | Financials |
Equity Type | Common Stock |
No. Companies Holding this Equity | 293 / 4.3% |
Percentage held by institutional investors | 92.6% |
Popular, Inc., doing business as Banco Popular in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and as Popular Bank in the mainland United States, is a financial services conglomerate that has operated in Puerto Rico for over 125 years and in the mainland United States for over 52 years. In recent years, it has expanded into other areas of the Caribbean and Central America. The BPPR in the logo stands for Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, where the bank has its major historical footprint. Popular, Inc. is the parent company of Banco Popular de Puerto Rico, Popular Bank, E-Loan, and several other companies. Wikipedia