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Equity Distribution for DANIMER SCIENTIFIC Inc
Ticker DNMR
CUSIP 236272100
Sector Materials
Equity Type Common Stock
No. Companies Holding this Equity 125 / 1.8%
Percentage held by institutional investors 32.8%


Danimer Scientific, formerly known as Meredian Holdings Group Inc. and MHG, is a biopolymer manufacturer headquartered in Bainbridge, Georgia. Danimer Scientific owns the patent for Nodax medium-chain-length branched polyhydroxyalkanoates, mcl-PHA. The company uses PHA and other biopolymers to create a range of applications such as additives, aqueous coatings, extrusion coating, extrusion lamination, fibers, film resins, hot melt adhesives, injection molding, thermoforming and wax replacement polymers. Wikipedia