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Equity Distribution for NEXTERA ENERGY Inc
Ticker NEE
CUSIP 65339F101
Sector Utilities
Equity Type Common Stock
No. Companies Holding this Equity 2358 / 34.4%
Percentage held by institutional investors 87.4%


NextEra Energy, Inc. is an American energy company with about 58 GW of generating capacity (24 GW of which were from fossil fuel sources), revenues of over $18 billion in 2020, and about 14,900 employees throughout the US and Canada. It is the world's largest electric utility holding company by market capitalization, with a valuation of over $120 billion as of Nov 2023. Its subsidiaries include Florida Power & Light (FPL), NextEra Energy Resources (NEER), NextEra Energy Partners, Gulf Power Company, and NextEra Energy Services. Wikipedia